Writing Prompts 12-02-21

Sci-Fi Prompt: Robot workers have decided their working conditions are unfair and have gone on strike. The galactic markets are not reacting well.

Fantasy Prompt: The crows stalk the deserts of Onthu. They are guarding against a secret treasure that lies somewhere in these dunes.

Worldbuilding Exercise: Design a magic system from scratch.

You have 45 minutes to write a short story. Good Luck!

Submission Guidelines: Please do not submit anything that is racist, excessively vulgar, or sexual in nature. The Writing Forge does not support, endorse, or publish any exclusionary or hateful content.

Upon completion of a short story, non-fiction piece, or poem, send drafts directly to thewritingforge@gmail.com.

When submitting, please include a general category for your work. 

For competitions, include in the subject header the following format: {Short Story/Poem} Competition – {Month} 

Winners will be published on The Writing Forge and included in the Authors list.